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Stop Metro Genocide Against the Black Nation Campaign Page

U.S. Department of Transportation

Investigates MTA for citations and arrests

that egregiously target Black riders

Strategy Center Calls on Mayor Eric Garcetti

Supervisors Mark Ridley Thomas and Hilda Solis

to stop these racist policies in their tracks

LA-Transit-ApartheidGIFMTA’s “fare collection” and criminalization of the non-existent “crime” of “fare evasion” is nothing more than a racist stop and frisk against all MTA passengers but especially Black passengers.

But the MTA has implemented a “broken windows” approach to fare enforcement resulting in a severe pattern and practice of systemically criminalizing Black riders who are only 19% of rail riders but make up 50% of all LA Metro citations and close to 60% of Sheriffs’ arrests each year. Black riders are subjected to police stops, fare checks, racial profiling, frisks, citations, fines and even jail time as a result of discriminatory fare enforcement and heightened policing “stop and frisk” civil rights violations on transit lines and hubs serving extremely low-income communities of color.



Campaign Demands

We need you to stand up to MTA transit racism and genocide against the Black Nation now

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If you Have been arrested of ticketed on Metro Fill Out a Deposition

Check out all of the Articles on this campaign

Read the Full Federal Complaint & Look at the Data

Read all of the Correspondences Between The Strategy Center, Department of Transportation, and Metro

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