Dear LAUSD Board President Zimmer and Superintendent King:
The GSA Network of California is a racial and gender justice non-profit organization working
to stop the school to prison pipeline and the mass incarceration of Black and Latino students
and communities in California and across the United States. We are also allies of the
Labor/Community Strategy Center and its Fight for the Soul of the Cities. We too are calling
for President Obama to end the Department of Defense 1033 Program and other programs
militarizing our schools and communities.
The GSA Network of California Letter to LAUSD

Tags: 1033, Chief Steve Zipperman, Dignity In Schools, Dignity In Schools Campaign, DOD 1033 Department of Defense, DSC, end1033, George Mckenna III, LAUSD, LAUSD Superintendent Michelle King, Los Angeles, Los Angeles School Police Department, Los Angeles Unified School District, Monica Garcia, poner fin al programa de 1033, programa del Departamento de la Defensa 1033, Steve Zimmer, Superintendent King
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